Anyone can meditate. It is a matter of learning to relax your focus on the present moment, for it is in that moment that we open space to access to our inner being, which is always receptive and joyous.
The mind tends to wander to the past & future, so the idea is to practice being here now. That can be done when walking, gardening, painting, dancing, even doing the dishes can be a meditation.
Focusing on the physical body is always a good place to start, so I always start with slow deep breaths, which draws your focus inward, flowing your life force energy through your entire body.
Deep breathing elicits the relaxation response, so this practice alone could be your entire meditation program! To give you a complete meditative experience, below find two River of Ease meditations that appear in my Ease and Joy program.
They are completely guided and work for all levels of meditators, from beginning to advanced. Do them in order as they build upon one another.
I recommend you do the first one and then give yourself time to relax into the experience for a few hours at least. Then do the second one, even a day later is fine.
If you enjoy them, there are five more in the sequence that appear in my online meditation/relaxation course 21 Days of Ease and Joy that I wrote for the Daily Om.
Click the button below to see an overview of the course as well as testimonials.
Mantras are often used in meditation. They give the mind a focus, giving the physical and emotional bodies a chance to relax and flow effortlessly. Humanity usually values mind over matter, but this relentless practice is the cause of much anxiety, stress and even illness. Meditation allows all parts of self to engage in.
The creation process allowing humanity to have the balanced experience that we are designed for. We are not just our minds; we are fully whole beings with vast abilities to create. Below find some of my favorite mantras. There are limitless mantras, so you are sure to find some that work for you.
Relax. Trust. Breathe.
If you do nothing else, these three words will take you far.
Relaxing actually puts you right in the center of your expansion
Focusing on trust allows your next step to reveal itself to you
Deep conscious breath is the energetic movement of creation
Three magical words to help you remember the powerful creators that you are!
Sat Nam
You are the living truth of creation. Own it, be it, now.
Om mani padme hum
Use this mantra to open the heart space to vibrate love for the expression of all that is.
Jai Govinda, Jai Gopala
Use this mantra to call love to you in its most playful form. AS adults, it is healing for us to remember to play!
Om Namo Shivaya
Kali Ma, Shivaya
I name these god & goddess energies to clear limiting obstacles in my life
I receive with ease
For many of us, giving is considered more spiritual than receiving in our idea of heart.
This often leaves us empty, exhausted, and victimized.
The heart, however is as eager to give to SELF as it its to give to others. This mantra helps to shift the polarity and expands our idea of heart.
Soon Enough
I have been hearing this guidance all month to remind me to stay in the moment and enjoy the journey. A good mantra if you are prone to focus on some future goal that you feel you have not attained. All intentions will manifest if you simply trust that they will and give them the space to do so.
I AM me here now
Repeat this throughout the day to bring you into the moment & center your being
See the Goddess Messages page for more meditations.